Our customers requested it, and we made it happen: Groutless tiling.

The idea of using window sills as stair coverings emerged from our customers. The increasing demand led to the creation of a distinct product category. We reinforced the base material with special additives to make the product even more durable. The wood grain provides slip resistance, and the front edges are made from the same material to ensure uniform color and pattern.

What is it made of

It really is concrete. FRC, or Fiber-Reinforced Concrete, is composed of white cement, glass fibers, and water-resistant additives. These elements make the stair coverings durable, flexible, waterproof, and sturdy.

Strong, durable

3D surface



Cut to order


This is what stair coverings look like in reality.


years of experience


window sills




stair coverings

Contact us
HÉP Zrt. – Sillmaster division

Our experts are waiting for your inquiries.

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