When we created the prototypes for window sills, our goal was not only durability but also to faithfully reproduce a natural effect. We have developed a unique product that perfectly complements both wood and stone-effect windows. We are proud of the fact that, apart from Sillmaster, there is no other wood-effect outdoor sill on the European market for wood or wood-like windows. Our products can be used both indoors and outdoors.

What is it made of?

FRC, or fibre-reinforced concrete, is made up of white cement, fibre reinforcement and a waterproofing additive. These make the window sills and stools durable and tough, which is weather resistant and cannot be damaged by time.

Strong, durable

3D surface



Cut to order


This is what window sills and stools look like in reality.


years of experience


window sills




stair coverings

Contact us
HÉP Zrt. – Sillmaster division

Our experts are waiting for your inquiries.

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Do you have any questions? Call us!


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